Monday, April 16, 2012

Changing Passwords in Siebel 7.8.2

Changing Passwords in Siebel 7.8.2


Changing Password for Siebel Service Owner Account (WINDOWS)

To change the password for the Siebel service owner account

1 Change the Windows domain login password for the Siebel service owner account, which is the

user that starts the Siebel Server system service.

2 Change the password for the Siebel Server system service.

a Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.

b Right-click on the Siebel Server System Service, and select Properties.

c In the Properties dialog box for this service, click the Log On tab.

d Enter the password in the Password and Confirm Password fields, and click OK.

NOTE: The password specified here must correspond to the Windows domain login password you

modified in Step 1.

3 Stop and restart the Siebel Server system service.


To change the password for the Siebel administrator database account

1 End all client sessions and shut down the Siebel Server. Use the following command to shut down

the server:

SIEBSRVR_ROOT/bin/stop_server all

NOTE: In order to stop all Siebel Servers in the Siebel Enterprise, you must run this command

on all Siebel Server machines.

2 Use Server Manager to change the password in the Siebel Gateway Name Server.

a Log in at the Enterprise level.

srvrmgr -g SiebelGatewayName -e EnterpriseServerName -u UserName -p Password

b At the Server Manager prompt, enter the following command:

change enterprise param Password=NewPassword

3 Change the password in the database.

For more information, refer to your RDBMS documentation on changing passwords.

4 Stop and restart the Siebel Gateway Name Server.



5 Restart all Siebel Servers. Perform this step for each applicable Siebel Server.

$SIEBEL_ROOT/ServerName/bin/start_server all

6 Connect to the Server Manager and verify the password change:

srvrmgr -g SiebelGatewayName -e EnterpriseServerName -s SiebelServerName -u SADMIN

-p NewPassword

You should be able to log in as SADMIN with the new password.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now


While uncompressing the following file, I received below errors.

$ tar -xzf OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE10G_SIEBEL8006ENU_SIA_PVM.tgz.1of2


gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file

tar: Unexpected EOF in archive

tar: Unexpected EOF in archive

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now




I fixed the issue with uncompressing both the files altogether, doing them separately was causing the error.


[root@vmserver seed_pool]# cat OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE10G_SIEBEL8006ENU_SIA_PVM.tgz.1of2 OVM_EL5U3_X86_ORACLE10G_SIEBEL8006ENU_SIA_PVM.tgz.2of2 | tar -xzvf -



