Friday, August 27, 2010

Ebsiness Suite Overwiew

Oracle Ebusiness Suite(EBS):
There are two parts of Oracle E business Suite.
1. Technology (Database)
2. Application.
In order to install EbS you need to install both technology and the application.
1. Before installing EBS you need to set some pre-requisits:
• Whether the product is certified by oracle or not.It can be certified at
• You need to find how much memory,disk space and all the hardware requirement is required.
• You can perform installation as root user.
• You need to find if xserver is running on clinet or not.If its not running you need to start it.
• You can see through df-h if space is available or not.
• You need to find out the mount point where 100 gb is free bcoz this much is required.
2. By default there is username and password which are username:sysadmin and password:sysadmin.
3. You need to set three Oracle Homes for RDBMS,Application and Tools.
4. You need to create two OS users under dba group(you need to create a dba group as well).
5. You need to install single node because you are going to install on single PC,if it was a network then you need to select multi node.
6. You need to select the ports from ports default for database is 1521.
7. You have to define the inventry in var/opt/oracle.
8. You need to edit the orainst.log and add the inventry section.
9. Execute the Server for example Humingbard.
10. You need to set DISPLAY.Check if display is correctly set by running xclock.
If you are installing 11i on unix or solaris server you need to have a x server installed on your client but if you are installing on Linux server then you dont need x server on your client bcoz you can rum (EMC) an x server of linux from the server itself which you can access on client
11. There are two ways for installing Oracle Ebuisness Suite 1.Stage 2.CD.
12. Oracle recommended way is Stage.
13. VapWIZ is a wizard which is used to install OES.It is located in stage/11i10/StartCd/Disk1/RapWiz/rapWiz.
14. Choose database type and name.
Select the folder where you want to install.
How to add variables in .profiles for RDBMS user
You need to go to /home/usr/user_name/ In there you will see the .profile.In the .profile of the Database user you need to insert at the end . /$ORACLE_HOME/SID_dbdem.env and save and relogin it will load all the variavles.
How to add variables in .profiles for Application user
You need to go to /home/usr/user_name/ In there you will see the .profile.In the .profile of the Application user you need to insert at the end . /$APPL_TOP/APPSORA.env and save and relogin it will load all the variavles.
How to Create Users and Assign Roles.
After Installation enter the machine name and port number in your browser,it will take you to the home page of ebusiness suite.
In there click on the log on page, it will ask the user name and password. The default user name and password are “sysadmin”.
If you want to create a new user go to the users option and in there click on define. It will install the Jinitiator if not already install and launch the application which will have the option to create new user. In there type the name for the new user and enter password,after that press enter key and it will ask you to type the password again. After that select the role which you want to give to this and save the application.
Now go to the home page and when you will enter the user name and password it will ask you to create the password again.
How to Shutdown OES.
We need to set ORACLE HOMES and SID's.
These could be defined as variables in the profiles of both applicvation and database.
First you need to shutdown the application and then later on databse.
You need to go to cd common_top and in there /array/oratest13/test13comn/admin/scripts/TEST13_dbdem
when you need to stop or start it will ask the APPS username and password which is
apps/apps user for the ebuisness database need to login this and execute the script is the script which will start all the services and will stop all of them.
If still cant stop the processes by this script then kill them by the kill command for example kill -9 pricess id.
Databse scripts are found on the path /array/test11db/9.2.0/appsutil/scripts/TEST11_dbdem stop immediate and if you want to startup type start
Concurrent Managers:
Concurrent Manager is a some how barrier between user requests and the database.It can prioritize the user requests as well, for example if there is lot much load on the database it can break and prioritize the user requests into managers,admins, users etc.
apps is a root user for EBS database and applications,there is another user for EBS Applications which is APPL-SYS.APPL-SYS is used for application maintenance.
APPL_TOP : For various product tops (Application Tier )
COMMON_TOP : for files & directories common to all products ( Application Tier )
ORA_TOP : for iAS, Forms & Reports Component , Tech. Stack ( Application Tier )
How to add patches to Oracle E Business Suite Application
step by step process to install patches in OES application:
• Create the folder on server where you want to keep the patches.
• Download the patches on the client system and then upload them to the server folder which has been created.
• Unzip the pathes on server folder which you created.
• The application should be changed to maintenance mode through adadmin utility.
• If you run adadmin it will step by step ask you to enter the passwords etc.
• When the application is in maintenance mode then you need to start a utility adpatch through which you can add the patches.
• This utility will ask you the patch file which is going to be added.The patch file is the .drv file which can be located in the unzipped folder of patches.
• After installing patches remove the maintenance mode of the application.
• Now run the sql statement “select * from ad_bugs where bug_number='patch number';”,if this shows the patches information that means patches are installed properly.
Domain name confirmation could be done from etc/hosts
when you are applying patches very first thing you need to do is to read readme file.That read me file will tell you about any prerequisite before installing that patch.That prerequisite could be some other patch,if thats the case then you need to see in ad-bugs if that patch is already installed or not.
After the patch is applied you need to find if it left any invalid_objects you need to compile them.
Patch Merging(admerge)
Patch Merging is to combine more than one patches into one and then applying it.Before merging pathces you need to download them in one folder.After downloading the patches you need to create a new folder(if you are logged in with any other user then give full permissions for this folder to the user who is going to perform merging) and the merged patches will be stored in that new folder.When then are merged you need to go into that folder.After that you need to put your application in maintenance mode through adadmin.Now apply the adpatch command to apply the patch,it will ask the patch.drv file which should be in the merged folder,when you provide that file the patch will be applied.During the process of patch applying it will ask the password for System Schema and APPS(password for system schema is manager and for APPS is apps).
After the patch is applied you need bring back the application from maintenance mode through adadmin.
After the patch has been applied you need to confirm if the patch has been applied or not,you can do it through the query “select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = 'patch_number'.
Through adadmin you can put the application into maintenance mode and then bring it back to normal situation.
What is autoconfig
Autoconfig is a tool introduced in 11.5.7 to improve the cloning process.Autoconfig is an apprach through which you can apply the the changes on the binary level of the cloned system.Supposed if you are going to update the port pool,the coms,the machine information you dont need do much hassle,you can only utilize the autoconfig which will update all the information on lower level.
Autoconfig use a file called context.xml,this file records all the changes of the system and when you going to apply those changes autoconfig will upply that through context.xml.

Concurrent Managers
How To see if Concurrent Managers Processes are Running:
1. Through Unix
# ps -ef|grep FND
# ps -fu apptest15
# ps -fu apptest15| grep FND
How to Change Password of sysadmin:
You need to go to user screen and in there if you press ctrl+F11 it will fetch the records for that application.But if you are going to search for a specific record then you need to only press F11 and it will bring the application into Search mode.
In search mode type the word which you want to search,in our case we are going to change password for sysadmin so we will just type sysadmin in the form and then press Ctrl+F11 it will fetch the record for sysadmin and in threre type the new password and retype and then save.

Next time if you will login to the application it will ask you to change the password for the very first login only.